How To Get Rich Blogging Step Twelve

Hello, and welcome back to the series on How To Get Rich Blogging. We've covered a lot of material over the last few weeks. You actually have access to an amazing 12 step process for getting blog riches. If you've missed any of the steps, you'll find them at the end of this post.

Today we're going to focus on Revamping your blog based on analytics. In the previous step, I discussed the importance of tracking your blog traffic and your offer link. When you track your blog traffic and offer links, you'll have a better depiction of how your blog is actually doing. 

In the event, you're not seeing an increase in traffic, leads, and conversions, you'll need to revamp some things. Sometimes lack of blog profits is due to traffic sources. You can try solo, social media, or google ads, to see if you just need more exposure to your blog. Yet, try to remember to start small and scale up based on ad response. 

However, if ads do not help increase blog responsiveness then you will need to find the problem. Sometimes it's your blog headline and design. Have some friends look at your blog and give you an honest opinion about it. 

It could be your marketing message: is it clear, concise, and does it call your audience to a specific action? Spend some time looking at successful blogs within your niche. What is their marketing message? How are they engaging their audience?

Could a new visitor come to your blog and understand what services you offer and how they can get started within 5 seconds? It's ok to have additional details about your product and services, but you're going to need to use the inverted pyramid style of writing to deliver your content. That simply means putting the most important information first and less important information last. 

Also, check to see if your blog is in total alignment. Does your blog theme, content, marketing message, and call to action line up with the needs of your target market? Remember, you're speaking to a certain avatar who has a problem that you're solving with your blog. Try to stick to the subject and be sure to help your avatar and lead them to more help through your products and services. 

When your data is revealing that your message isn't converting, even though you're getting a lot of traffic, you've got to make the necessary changes until you get your audience to respond. Remember, you haven't failed, you just need to adjust your approach. Therefore, don't get married to your material because if it doesn't convert, it may have to go and be replaced with something that resonates with your audience. 

Yet, whenever you're revamping your blog, be sure to make small changes over time so that you can track progress and know what's working and what's not. You can split-test headlines and lead magnet offers. You can also split test pages and posts. Sometimes it's something as simple as images. That's why analytical data is so powerful! You can use it to calculate how to build your profitable blog.

Review On How To Get Rich Blogging

  1. What is rich to you? 
  2. Help others get what they want! 
  3. Create a profit plan.
  4. Build an email list.
  5. Market a core product. 
  6. Get a money multiplier 
  7. Get a traffic strategy.
  8. Stabilize your brand.
  9. Build your blog! 
  10. Get an action strategy!
  11. Track your progress.
  12. Revamp your blog (you're reading it).


To Your Success . . . 
