IMPORTANT NOTE: I'm in no way affiliated with YouTube, other than my public accounts, these are solely my views, and not the expressed views of YouTube. You should also know that making money online takes hard work and dedication, therefore, some people will make no money at all. These are just my expressed opinions and not a guarantee of income CLICK HERE TO READ FULL INCOME DISCLOSURE. . .
<h1>Here’s some exciting news: searching for YouTube music can help you earn money online!<h1> Music is a driving force in our world today. Regardless of age, gender, race, or class, almost everyone can relate to music in some type of way. Joining music communities such as SoundCloud, Pandora, and YouTube music, can broaden your social connections and aid you in finding new business associates.
Music has brought people together for years. Music is used for religious ceremonies, weddings, and social gatherings. Yet, it’s one of the most overlooked opportunities when it comes to building business connections. However, you will find me mingling on Soundcloud, Pandora, and Youtube music communities
building relationships and establishing business connections.
<h2>YouTube music is one of the largest most diverse communities to exchange sounds, build relationships, and make money online.<h2> Yet, there are a few things that you should keep in mind when embarking upon YouTube music as a business opportunity:
This isn't a way to get rich quick, but it’s about sharing the love of music with like-minded individuals and building relationships.
Here are some helpful techniques. . .
Use tactful strategies when leaving links for YouTube music members to view. Here is an example: Hey Jake! I really like that track, its freaking awesome! I would love to hear more music from your playlist, so let’s stay connected; you can check out my blog here. Do not say, “hey Jake check out this business opportunity, you can make a ton of cash online,” and put some ugly long link to some MLM page.
Don't SPAM!!
Honestly, you are not supposed to place your links on the platforms of others without their consent. 99% of the time, people don't mind if you hyperlink a blog or a website into a comment, or place a link to some free services or related content. Another idea would be to use BUDURL to shorten your link and give it a title that’s related to the content that you are commenting on. For instance, I shortened my free audios page, to my blog, so that it doesn’t appear long and spammy.
Yet, I see it all the time! Often times internet marketing newbies will place links directly to their MLM offer everywhere! Not only is this spam, but it’s just tacky.
<h3>Regardless of how you make money online, when you join any social media network, especially networks like YouTube music, you never, ever want to place “naked links” to MLM offers in your comments or post.<h3> You want to link a person to lead capture pages, websites, or blog forums that’s it! It’s inside of the blog post or website that your sales message is presented.
Here’s Why. . .
- You have provided value to people before proposing any offer. Also, Your offer is there as an option and isn’t forced upon anyone. This allows the prospect to determine if they want are need your services and helps you gather more targeted leads too.
- Almost all social media networks will allow a reasonable amount of links to websites and blogs per posting, but when you start placing MLM links to offers on social forums directly, you are more likely to experience problems with the terms and conditions of most networks.
Yes, you are operating an online business, but you really have to find ways to display the value of your services while allowing people the option of engaging. Remember, these music communities and other social networks aren’t your bread and butter, but leveraging the entire World Wide Web with a valuable service and understanding how to capture those who are searching for your offer is the best way to earn money online!
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