When you embarked upon this new and exciting world of internet marketing, you probably weren't aware of its side effects.  Perhaps you joined some MLM opportunity or couldn't resist the re-occurring announcement that affiliate marketing was an easy way to win big online. 

It’s possible that you have been striving online for some time and have yet to obtain the fruits of your steadfast labor.  I’m guessing you've invested both time and resources searching for the secret to internet riches.

I know you've been making the videos, calling your list, and engaging in social media only to find that the only one who is being sold is you. 

<h1>Everyone claims to have the answer to your problem, how to become free from the excess stress in your make money online venture so that you can make some real cash<h1>.  

However, you haven't seen any real solutions yet. Because you desire to get results, you've probably downloaded multiple tools and programs that are only giving you small pieces to the puzzle that you’re still trying to solve.  

However, today I have some good news! I’m going to help you put the missing pieces together so that you can relieve some of that stress and get results in your business. Regardless of whom you are or what your offer is I can help you excel online. 

  •   Major Reasons For Excess Stress In Your Make Money Online Venture
  • The Primary Reason For Lack Of Online Success
  • STEPS TO MAKING A U-turn In Your Online Business TO Get Results


2 major reasons for excess stress in your online business are over or under working towards your entrepreneur goals. Over or under working to achieve intended tasks on the internet really has nothing to do with time but everything to do with results.

If you are working around the clock and aren't seeing any gains, it’s apparent that you would be stressed due to exhaustion and financial strain.  In the same manner, if you are barely working to achieve your online business goals then you are experiencing stress due to procrastination and lack of financial progress. 

<h2>Regardless of which situation proves true for you, the need to become free from excess stress in your make money online venture will remain a constant desire until the underlining cause is unveiled.<h2>

How Your Time Is Spent Is A Factor
It’s up to you how much time you invest in your online business.  Unfortunately, online success cannot be measured by the amount of time that’s spent building an online empire. However, if your time isn’t producing your desired results then you will experience the anguish of non-fulfillment.  

This anguish and stress are mainly caused by not spending your online time on income producing activities. You may be mistaken in thinking that I’m speaking of your lack of work ethic, but that’s not at all what I’m talking about. 

Many online entrepreneurs spend a vast majority of their time in activities that will never bring them any return because they are not aware that their current online system will never bring them a return.

Regardless of what your online business, opportunity, or message is, if you don’t master internet marketing, making money online is merely impossible.

The only way to overcome the lack of online success is to learn how to effectively market on the internet.  You've got to start spending your time doing things that produce income. 

The primary income-producing activity is TRAFFIC GENERATION. 

If 80% of your online time doesn't revolve around driving traffic, capturing leads, and converting sales then you are losing a large portion of your business potential, if not all of it. 

It's better to write 1 lead capturing post and drive a ton of traffic it to it than to write 20 post that has no one viewing it.

Yes, as an online entrepreneur it’s great to inspire others and mingle in social media, but if you are serious about making money online, you've got to get comfortable with the idea of marketing and converting sales.

You've got to position yourself as the expert in your online business and take authority over maximizing your opportunity.  Simply put, you can’t be playing patty cake with people who aren't serious about you and the value that your opportunity brings to the market.

When you learn how to master traffic generation and discover ways to leverage yourself on the internet as an expert in your internet marketing venture, then you will stop lacking the success you desire, and start seeing the results you want. 

The people who aren't right for your online business will begin to fade away and those who belong in your circle will flock to your message.


Let's take a U-turn in your online business and get you free from excess stress in your make money online venture.

The first step to making a U-turn in your internet business is to make a decision. Decide that your Why is important enough for you to do whatever it takes to get what you desire. In short, you may have to revamp some stuff. Is it worth it to you?

The second step is to get serious about your internet marketing profession and access the tools necessary to master your skills. When you master your internet marketing skills you position yourself as an expert who’s on the cutting edge of their field and understands free enterprise. 

Here Are The Things You Need To Know To Master Your Skills: 

·        What Is Your Target Market
·        Who Is Your Sales Avatar
·        How To Generate Traffic
·        How To Capture Leads
·        How To Build A List
·        How To Build Campaigns
·        How To Strategically Create Content: your blog, its topic, and post should all be positioned to reach a specific audience who become leads because they want solutions to the problems you solve on your platform. Once you've captured their attention by exposing the problem of your Avatar, you'd better have some solutions when they respond to your call to action because that's how you convert sales. 
·        How To Lead Your Audience, Through Your Content To A Call To Action
·        How To Upsell Your Leads To Customers Once They've Entered Your Sales Funnel

The third step is to take massive action! That simply means, do the work. Start learning and implementing these profitable action steps. Change what you spend your time doing to get results. 

What's insanity? Doing the same thing over and over while hoping for different results. If you've been doing the same thing over and over with no results, chances are it's not working. 

Just because something isn't working doesn't mean that you have failed. It just means that you need to change your approach. You're not going to spend all day aimlessly in social media anymore. You're not going to waste your time blogging on a platform that has no focus and no structured content that's strategically positioned to get you results. 

You're blogging for your wealth, not your health. Therefore, you need to aim your blog to reach your goals. 

Listen, I've wiped out years of content and useless blogs. Sometimes if it's more feasible to start over than to spend months revamping content, I just get rid of it. If I have a good domain name, I might keep it, but if there is nothing to gain from it, I let it go. 

Large corporations do this all the time. They have a board meeting; they go over their profits, losses, and gains. They determine if they should retire unprofitable projects. It's never personal, just business. 

This is a little off topic, but never get too attached to your work. Because you don't get paid for the amount of time you invest in your products, but you get paid for the amount of value you create for your customers. 

Take a look at my personal site,, I've had to make major 

adjustments to it multiple times. Why? Because it wasn't working. I've wiped 

it clean at least 3 times and started completely new. Because I had some new 

information that could bring about a transformation. 

Yet, here's another thing I learned. When you start over, be sure to give it 

some time. Drive some traffic and watch your analytics. When you find 

something that works, stick with it!!! Don't change it unless it plateaus, then 

make small subtle changes so you can test what works and what doesn't.

I use Empower Network as an example all the time. They had a classic money-making machine. 

The Lead Magnet: Let me show you how I made my first $10,000 using my cell phone while living in a minivan. ( You sign-up, you get a free video)

Tripwire Upsell:  Get started blogging /with coaching for only $25. Because in the free video, you discovered that blogging is how he made the $10,000, right? ( You get a blogging platform with some pre-recording coaching about blogging).

Delayed Upsell: The Costa Rica Mastermind where you grab the mentality that leads to strategic profits. Because in the start-up coaching, you discovered you need to change your mindset to get to the money, right? ( You get access to mindset coaching).

Core Products: The 15k Formula and the Masters Course. Two highly profitable products that provided additional coaching and sort of got into the meat and potatoes of online marketing. Because you discovered in the Costa Rica Mastermind that, in addition to developing your mindset, you needed to gain the fundamentals of marketing.  ( You get access to marketing strategies).

Money Multipliers: The $25 per month blogging platform and the $100 per month Mastermind audios. Because you discovered throughout all the courses that you need an atmosphere to grow and continue your success. ( You get access to a library of coaching calls and the continued use of your blogging platform). 

The Slogan: Don't be a Wuss, get all in, right? 

The system itself was a classic. The blog, the posts, and the content were all 

geared to grab a specific audience, get them in that front door, and lead them 

through the process of becoming lifetime members. 

"Get all in and maintain your membership with the blog and 

mastermind products."

Not to mention the perks that came along with being all in. When you added 

on the events and other items, it was set to generate a billion dollars or more.

Well, what happened? 

Aside from the owner's personal issues. If you don't know what they were, I'm 

not going to get into it here, but they started to change. 

They began adding stuff and changing everything about the culture of the 


What they didn't consider was that people were paying for the experience and 

the culture in addition to the information. 

Yet, all of sudden, the magic wasn't there anymore. 

The look and feel of the site begin to change. The atmosphere became cold and 

less authentic. "All in" wasn't "All in" anymore. Nothing made any sense. 

They had taken a perfectly good system and broke it. 

If you were a part of that era, I know it caused you some pain. Yet, if you 

gained nothing but how the sales funnel was set up and leveraged that to do 

some good things in your online business, you've been compensated for your 

time there. Not to mention, some of the lessons you may have learned whether 

good or bad, you came out knowing more than when you went in. 

However, everything goes back to what I said earlier, having the skill set to 

target the right audience and offering them solutions is the real way to earn 

money online. You have to be very intentional in your daily actions so that you 

can end up where you want to be. 

<h3>This Blog Profits Planner will help you avoid excess stress in your make money online venture by assisting you with mapping everything out so you can clarify your actions to get results.<h3>

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Tdaviscole is a single mother who got tired of choosing between work and family. She became an online entrepreneur to create a full-time online income and to assist anyone who desires to do the same.

Author is Currently Reading: The Four Hour Work Week
Author Recently Read: The One Thing

