Make Your Readers Your Number 1 Priority
We are in the middle of a blogging phenomenon! Blogs are the new face of mainstream internet marketing and have taken leaps and bounds over a simple website.
<h1>Businesses have come to the realization that a standalone web page is no comparison to an interactive blog. However, most bloggers believe that they have the concept of blogging mastered because they are ranking in the search engines and making some money online.<h1>
However, what I’m about to reveal will explain why some blogs are super successful and bring in an upward of $20,000+ per month, and why other blogs earn less than $5,000 per month if any money at all.
The Problem with Blogging Today
Most bloggers focus only on SEO, Selling Affiliate Products, and Traffic Generation when creating their posts. If you know anything about blogging, you probably come up with an idea, conduct a keyword search, create a high ranking blog title that’s embedded in tail words so that it ranks on the first page of your niche, write a common knowledge blog post, throw in a couple of links, and promote your post.
<h2> This is the basic way to blog; you can make money online, get your content ranked, and gain quite a few views using this method. However, there is a huge piece of the puzzle missing if you want to gain loyal readers and triple the actual revenue of your blog.
<h2> This is the basic way to blog; you can make money online, get your content ranked, and gain quite a few views using this method. However, there is a huge piece of the puzzle missing if you want to gain loyal readers and triple the actual revenue of your blog.
What’s really missing is CONTENT! Listen, you can get all of the keywords right, rank in the number one spot on all 3 major search engines, throw in all the affiliate links you own, and drive both paid and organic traffic to your blog; however, if your content doesn’t add value to your readers, then you’re losing a lot of loyal readers and customers.
<h3>Even though you may gain a few readers, and make money online with your blog's current content marketing; you could lose the mass majority of your residual visitors<h3>
<h3>Even though you may gain a few readers, and make money online with your blog's current content marketing; you could lose the mass majority of your residual visitors<h3>
Your readers aren’t idiots. They know that most people don’t blog for their health. Blogging is the bread and butter for many online entrepreneurs and is a major way for large companies to connect with their customers in an attempt to build relationships, and cater to their target market.
Although blogging is an amazing way to get your message out and earn money online too, you must consider your reader before creating your content.
- What’s the primary purpose of your blog?
- Who are your target readers?
- Who are your actual readers?
- What are the needs of your readers?
- What can your readers depend on you for
- (What kind of content can they expect from you)?
- Are you solving the problems of your readers within the realm of your niche?
Quick Review
Simply put, you need to have a dependable, laser targeted, blogging platform. Your platform should include content with substance and answer the questions that keep your readers up at night. When your blog is focused, reliable, and content-rich, you’re sure to build an audience that’s loyal and can’t wait to see what you are going to post next!
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Tdaviscole is a single mother who got tired of choosing between work and family. She became an online entrepreneur to create a full-time online income and to assist anyone who desires to do the same.
RELATED BLOG POST BY THIS AUTHOR: Stop being overwhelmed in your online business, Amazing New Ways To Make Money Online
The author is Currently Reading: The Four Hour Work Week
Author Recently Read: The One Thing
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