Google has paved the way for one of the biggest revenue streams that exist today. They generate billions of dollars each year by doing the one thing that you're probably not paying attention to.
You are searching for gold on the internet but walking right past the mine every single day.
I was doing the same thing until I discovered that what I was looking for was right in my face the whole time.
INFORMATION! Yes, we've transitioned from the industrial age to the technological age and into the information age. Today's consumers are technical people who are information-driven.
Consider the reasons that you use the internet. For the most part, you're looking for information. 95% of your internet time is spent learning something new, trying to find the answer to a question, or looking for a solution to a problem.
The mere idea that there are billions of people online each day looking for news, education, answers, and solutions leaves the door open for huge profits!
Google has nailed the internet avatars down to a science and hands them exactly what they want, information.
The most amazing thing about the internet is that it has no respect of person. You can do the same thing too. You can cut a slice of that delicious Google pie. All you have to do is discover what people want to know and hand it to them through your blog.
If you want to know what the billions of people on the internet are interested in knowing, take my Target Market Course. It will help you break the market down into segments and give you the correct analytical tools to zone in on what they are looking for.
Knowing what the market wants gives you leverage and power. You can turn their information needs into products and services that make you a fortune.
But we are not done here. There are still many things that I want to tell you about this gold mine that's right in your face and within a fingers distance. If you can turn on a computer, laptop, or phone, you can make money online in this amazing information age that we're currently in.
Google creators are so brilliant. Because they realize that they don't have to be brilliant to earn billions of dollars. If you've been trying to create your own product for years and you're finding yourself stuck in the creation phase, it's probably because you believe that you must have all the answers in order to make money on the internet.
This couldn't be the furthest from the truth. All you need to do is take the course to find out what is trendy; set up a blog with Blogger or WordPress in less than an hour, and start providing information on your platform about your trendy subject.
You're probably thinking, "it can't be that easy, I'm sure I'd need to know a lot about the subject before trying to provide information on it." Again, not true at all.
That's what makes Google creators so smart, they don't try to know it all, but they turn to the people that do. Their search engines are full of articles and information from other people. They make billions of dollars off of the knowledge of others.
Guess what, you can do the same thing! Yes, you can generate information profits using this simple 3 step formula that I'm about to reveal to you. I call it the 3 G's to getting online profits.
#1 Get a topic
#2 Gather information on the topic
#3Get profits
Get Your topic
You need a hot topic that many information consumers are looking for. A healthy topic would have a few thousand search inquiries every day. There would be some competition out there on the subject already.
You want competitors because you want to know that there is a real market for your subject.
Once you have a great topic, you'll need to find out who is the target market for your topic. Doing the research on your topic can help you predict the profits blogging about it will bring.
Gather Information On Your Topic
There are various ways to get information about your topic. In my course, "How To Turn Content Into Gold," I show you how to find preexisting content to help you spark new ideas for profits.
In addition to researching articles and even studying your competitors on the subject, you can leverage PLR or Private Label Right Content. PLR content is simply information created by someone else that you can buy the rights to.
Once you own the rights to the content, you can recreate it to fit your own brand. Don't waste your time trying to reinvent the wheel. I spent the first 3 years online doing that and ended up frustrated and stuck in the creation phase with no profits.
Google has proven that leveraging other people's information is a profitable strategy as long as it's done in an ethical way. In other words, do not ever copy-paste someone else's content or rewrite it changing only a few words because that's plagiarism. You'd have to purchase PLR content or utilize the content of others to generate your own way of presenting the same concept.
Think about the various ways companies sell pizza, deodorant, furniture, or clothing. They have to come up with their own brand, their own slogan, and their own spin on preexisting ideas.
Companies make billions of dollars doing this, and so can you. Stop wasting time trying to create a brand new idea and focus on transforming preexisting ideas into a new experience for consumers. You'll make a lot more money much faster that way.
Get Your Profits
After you have a topic and some research on the subject it's time to get profits. Getting profits from information is all in the packaging.
Imagine if you went to a restaurant and ordered a meal, but the waitress brought it out in a sloppy display, would you eat it?
Probably not. If the food was running off the sides of the dish, and the bread was thrown in the middle, you wouldn't want to consume it regardless of how good the meal actually tasted.
Therefore, put some thought into your blog. You don't have to spend a year setting it up but get a few things in order first.
Establish a title that appeals to your avatar. Choose a few brand colors and stick to them. Create a logo so you look like someone who should be taken seriously.
Ensure that your blog has a unified message and your social media channels back up the message you're trying to convey. Establish a good marketing tactic, and start profiting from your content.
Thanks for reading!
To Your Success . . .
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