<h1>Well, it's been quite a journey from the very first step of starting your blog strategy to the final step of promoting your blog. It's easy to put a lot of focus on setting up and designing your blog while forgetting the importance of promoting it.<h1>
After you've developed a blog strategy, picked a domain name, selected a hosting provider, and set your blog up, you've got to get traffic to your blog. In reality, 0 traffic=0 leads=0 sales. Traffic is the bloodline of your new blog business.
In the Blog Biz Profits Planner, you'll discover blog biz marketing and sales strategies. Those strategies will help you bring new visitors to your blog.
There are 3 major parts to successful blog promotion. They are traffic, leads, and conversions.
<h2>Traffic is the process of driving new visitors to your blog. There are 2 types of traffic: random traffic and targeted traffic. You want to aim for targeted traffic. This can be hard to do sometimes because it's easy to get off topic and tap into other markets outside of your target market. We all do it sometimes.<h2>
However, it's best to know who your blog is for and the market it reaches. Once you know that, make sure all of your content shared from that blog is about that topic. For instance, I'm using this blog to help new or struggling bloggers discover how to build a profitable blog. I might write a post that says, "are you struggling with your blog profits," or "are you wondering how do I start a blog," because my desire is to reach someone who is starting a blog or struggling to profit from one.
Do you see how choosing the right topics for your content can pull a targeted audience for your services once the content is shared? You should aim to reach the perfect customer for the products and services you'll be offering on your blog. Hopefully, you've mapped all of that out using the planner you downloaded earlier.
Outside of creating the right content, you need to share your content on social media and other places on the web. I've found Pinterest to be a great traffic source bringing me thousands of views each day.
Here's How I went from 100 to 250K Pinterest viewers in less than a week.
Once you're are getting traffic to your site, you need to capture leads. In all honesty, most people view an offer several times before they make a major purchasing decision. Therefore, if you don't find a way to connect with the visitors on your blog immediately then you'll lose about 80% of your traffic. To avoid losing traffic on your blog, you'll need a lead capture page.
A lead capture page is a small form that visitors fill out to get something of value that they want. They will exchange their name and email address to grab a freebie that provides them with more information about the topic of your blog. This is GREAT NEWS because if a visitor gives you their information then you've captured their attention and piqued their interest. You have a lead!
This is your opportunity to show your lead that you're the person they've been looking for all along. You have a chance to prove that you're the solution to their problem. That's why your free content or lead magnet should be better than most paid content within your niche, and your paid content should be beyond excellent.
When you connect with your new lead, be sure to provide them with solution-driven value. Meaning, they can apply what they've learned from your lead magnet to their problem and get results. For example, when you download your FREE Blog Biz Profits Planner, you should be able to map out your blog strategy and have clarity on how you will profit from your blog.
Once your prospects experience the benefits of your lead magnet, they should realize that you can help assist them with additional products and services. Your blog should turn visitors into leads and leads into paying customers.
Which leads me to the final step of successful blog promotion, conversions. You want to turn a lead into a paying customer as soon as possible. The more paying customers you have, the more efficiently you can work. When you're not converting leads, you may begin to feel drained and overwhelmed, but when you are converting leads, you feel rewarded and focused.
Let's face it, when you can cover your overhead and personal expenses based on the value you've created in the marketplace, you only want to create more.
The best way to convert leads is to offer an immediate upsell. When you give away freebies or lead magnets, provide a promotional offer instead of a thank you page. You can send a thank you message through your email marketing system.
When a prospect really wants to know more about an offer, they will usually grab the promotional offer to get more information. Even if you're offering them something that cost $1 to obtain, it's worth it. The reason it's worth is that they become a customer. That is your goal.
Don't try to sell them expensive services after you've just offered them something for free. Be sure the offer is low cost and extremely valuable so it's a no-brainer to grab it. Why? Because you're not trying to get rich off of upsells; you're helping that lead transition to be your customer. You don't want to be stuck in the friend zone for too long; you've got to close the deal so you can build a deeper relationship.
You also use email marketing to convert sales and build a relationship with your leads. Even if you offer an immediate upsell, you want to follow up with an email to connect with your leads. You can use a follow-up series to provide additional value to your subscribers about the topic at hand. In addition to providing value, you can promote other related services. An email marketing system is the number 1 tool you'll need to build profits from your blog.
If you don't know how to set up your email marketing system, enroll HERE
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