Sometimes it's difficult to identify where you are in your online business and be okay with it. You're probably seeing everyone around you succeed and you're wondering what's wrong with you. The truth is every entrepreneur has a journey.
Each person's journey becomes a part of an amazing story that they get to tell along the way.
It's your actual personal story that sets you apart from everyone else and establishes your brand. The one thing that truly connects you with people and gets them interested in you is a good story.
Michael Clouse said, "people don't buy your products, they buy your music." In essence, people buy into the feeling or emotion of how you make them feel.
That's why a person in your exact same niche, who offers half the value that you do, can end up making more money than you. If they can tell a good story, connect with people, and make them feel good about themselves, they can make more money with less mechanical effort.
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Embracing who you are and the journey you've had to take to get to where you are is key to your online business success. Many times you may feel as though you haven't made any progress, but if you look back, you'll discover you have.
Before now, you probably didn't even have enough faith in yourself to try what you're doing right now. You've grown in confidence; you've built your mentality; you're taking action to change your life for the better. You've made progress.
The most difficult part of identifying where you are in your business is accepting that it's necessary for you to get to where you are trying to go.
However, I'm going to say this, it's not forever. You will not be stuck where you are forever. You're simply passing through, so don't let what you see detour you from making it to the other side.
How you frame where you are can truly determine where you're going.
Too many times people are looking for one big moment to mark their success. Yet, there is no big moment that can do that for you. It's all the little moments that lead up to the epiphany that you've made it.
It's when you've taken little actions every day until one day something happens or you look around and see that you are in a place that's always been in your head.
You're no longer reporting to that 9-5, you're living in the house of your dreams; you're having the experiences you've always wanted to have and it dawns on you, crap, I've made it. I am where I wanted to be, and it's sort of surreal.
But in the process of that realization, you're trying to do life. As you're building your business, all kinds of things are coming at you. Instead of trying to avoid those things that are coming at you, make them a part of your process.
If you went through hell getting to an event, tell your story when you get there. I'm not saying you should complain and suck the energy out of the room, but share your experience of triumph over the hardships you faced getting where you were trying to go.
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Hardships can be like a big bully. You know that bully at school that constantly picks on the person who will back down and shrink into a corner. But when that person has finally had enough and stands up to that bully, it's no longer fun for the bully to pick them.
In the same sense, you have to stand up to the difficulties that you face in life as you're building your business. Start making those things you have to overcome as the storyline to your presentation. Eventually, hardships will not find it fun to pick on you anymore and will find someone else to taunt.
Make your hardships the stories people laugh at because you made it in spite of the crazy circumstances you had to overcome. The most amazing thing about doing that is people will laugh at you; they will laugh with you, and they will be inspired by you all at the same time.
When you decide to see where you are in your business from a different perspective, a perspective of opportunity rather than a disadvantage, your possibilities will be limitless because no set of circumstances will have a hold on you. You'll learn how to use every piece of the process to propel you forward into your destiny.
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