Hello, and welcome back to the series on How To Get Rich Blogging. We've covered a whole lot over the last few posts. If you're just tuning in, feel free to get caught up HERE.
<h1>Today is an exciting day because we are going to build your blog! Oh, Yes. Now things should be so much clearer as to how to map out your blog strategy.<h1>
Having a strategy makes things so much clearer, and it makes you have a real tangible plan for your blog. You've programmed your blog profits GPS for a specific destination, and we can head in that direction.
If you want to get rich blogging, I highly recommend a Managed WordPress website for your blog profits home base.
Yes, I have other blogs all over the web that bring a lot of traffic to my home base, but that's a strategy for another day. However, when you're launching a WordPress blog, you're going to need a few key things such as a domain name, hosting, and a theme.
I've written about all of that HERE. You can read that if you're trying to make those kinds of decisions because today, we're actually building a blog.
Sure you can easily set up a Blogger blog or some other options another time, but for your home base and the place that you're going to apply all of the strategies we've discussed so far, go with Managed WordPress.
<h2>I'm going to show you (step-by-step) how to set your profitable Managed WordPress Blog! The great news is it's all in a video so you don't have to read this stuff and try to figure it out.<h2>
We can do this together. Check It Out!
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