The Power Of A Thank You Page

Hey, welcome back to earn money online daily with Tdaviscole. Today, I'm going to discuss thank you pages and how you can use them to create 24/7 online profits.

So let's first discuss what a thank you page actually is.

A thank you page is the page that visitors receive after they sign up for your lead magnet, subscribe to your blog, or respond to some other offer.

It's easy to forget this page if you're mainly focused on building an email list. 

The reality is you can build an email list and generate automatic profits at the same time. Hopefully, you're not sending your new leads to generic and system-generated thank you pages, but just in case you are, I want to reveal to you the power of a thank you page.

 Your upsell page is your #1 conversion opportunity because the customer is actively taking action. 
The action phase is when you want to offer your visitor something of value. There are several things you can offer a new subscriber.
Whatever you decided to offer your new subscriber, ensure that it is a deal.  Make sure that the deal is for a limited time only. 

Studies show that when people realize they have a restricted time frame to take action they do it more rapidly. This is called the scarcity effect

Use your thank you page to prompt your visitors to go ahead and make a decision that you're the ultimate solution they've been looking for. 

When they enter your sales funnel, through your thank you page, remember to provide them with a ton of value which is the ultimate way to say thank you.

To Your Success . . . 
