<h1>Hello, welcome to my series on Pinterest Marketing for dummies. If you've been wondering how do I use Pinterest, I'm about to show you how. Today, we're going to focus on getting you set up with a Pinterest account and helping you get familiar with your Pinterest profile.<h1>
The first thing you want to do is go over to Pinterest and create your account.
Once you've created an account on Pinterest you'll need to select some images that you are interested in.
Be sure that you choose images that complement the subject of your Pinterest account so that Pinterest can suggest the right content to you.
After you've picked your images, you want to create your profile.
Click on the 3 bars in the top right-hand corner. Go to your settings. Fill out all of the information requested.
Keep in mind that your "contact name" is the name that will appear by the profile picture that you upload.
<h2>You may want to ensure that the name you choose coincides with your websites, blogs, and other social media accounts so that people can easily find you on Pinterest.<h2>
Familiarize Yourself With Your Profile Page.
You can click on the home tab or the Pinterest logo to get back to the Pinterest main page.
You can click on your contact name next to your profile picture to return to your pins, boards, and activity feed.
The overview tab will take you to your featured boards and provide an overall view of your accounts.
The board's tab will take you to your existing board and allow you to create new boards.
The pin's tab will show your existing pins and allow you to create new pins too.
The trie's tab will show you pins you've tried or pins your follows have tried. For instance, if you pinned a chocolate cake recipe, one of your followers might try that recipe. Once they have tried the recipe they may take a picture of their results and mark your pin as tried.
The activity tab will reveal the pins that people are saving from your boards. This will help you see which pins are performing well and help you learn more about your audience.
The follow's tab will show you who is following your pins and boards.
The following tab will show you who you're following.
You can use the search bar at the top to find images that interest you so you have some Pinterest pinning fun!
To Your Success . . .
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