How Pinterest Works For Dummies Part Three

<h1>Hello, welcome to my series on Pinterest Marketing for dummies. If you've been wondering how do I use Pinterest, I'm about to show you how. Today, we're going to focus on creating your first Pinterest board.<h1>

Don't worry, if you already have a Pinterest account, and you're just looking for tips to create highly converting Pinterest boards, you can follow along too.

<h2>Think of creating a Pinterest board like a branch on a tree. You want to ensure that your board is a branch of your overall Pinterest subject.<h2>

I explain it all HERE.

However, your Pinterest boards are used to keep all of your various pins about a specific subtopic organized.

<h3>For example, I have a Pinterest account related to African American Hairstyles. Under the main topic African American Hairstyles,  I have boards that represent subtopics such as braids, wigs, and naturally curly hairstyles.<h3> 

Each subtopic represents a board that I'll pin related images on. Learn more about how I used Pinterest to drive 1/2 million views back to my blog. 

Pinterest is a very powerful social media tool. You can use it to increase traffic, leads, and conversions on your blog. 

CLICK HERE to take my Pinterest course absolutely free. I can't wait to see you inside!

To Your Success . . . 
